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A fullerene is an allotrope of carbon whose molecule consists of carbon atoms connected by single and double bonds so as to form a closed or partially closed mesh, with fused rings of five to seven atoms. In form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid or tube.

In 1996, three scientists, Richard E. Smalley – an American, Robert F. Curl – an American và Harold W. Kroto – a British received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their Discovery of Fullerenes. The presenter of the Nobel noted that the discovery of fullerenes has implications for all the natural sciences.


Endohedral metallofullerene has a novel molecule structure that consists of carbon atoms connected by single and double bonds so as to form a closed mesh with diamagnetic metal atoms encapsulated. Thus, endohedral metallofullerene can create the Giant Magnetoresistance – Spintronic that the Nobel Prize in Physics 2007 was awarded jointly to Albert Fert – a French and Peter Grünberg – a German “for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance.”

A small magnetic change can make a major difference to an electrical current. This is the basis of a responsive sensor that uses giant magnetoresistance. This effect opened the door for a completely new development in electronics, spintronics, and has in the last decade revolutionized techniques for scanning data on hard disks.

Since 1999, we started to study, through more than 3,000 tests, until May, 2015, we was successful in producing fullerenes in the laboratory.

Then, we continued to study to produce of machinery systems for industrial production, until Sep, 2016 we have successfully researched the production processes and systems of production machinery at the industrial scale, output products equally.

Since November 2016, biological application was experimented to treat patients of cancer, HIV infection and many other severe diseases. Patients are wholly voluntary to take. The results are very active. Hundreds of patients were rescued. Many cancer patients were completely negative for K-cells.
With scientific, verifiable and clinical proofs, the successful rate for anti-aging, anti-virus, anti-diseases, anti-cancers after using our Endo Fullerene product is more than 70%.


The Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology applied an analytical method – Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in 2016.

Test results showed that the allotrope of carbon is in the sphere shape but not indicated the atom type trapped inside it. So we just knew that is a carbon is fullerenes.

Based on the test results, we could exactly determine this is the spherical allotrope of nano carbon buckminsterfullerene, sizes are from 50.0nm to 500.0nm. This is a big dimension, There are very few companies on the world that can produce such a big dimension.

With this structure and size, according to our production method and equipment system, the number of carbons can contain up to 1000 carbon atoms in a crystal, but not only C60 or C70.

  • Standard Lab of ALS Group-USA tested the atom types trapped inside in allotrope of carbon fullerene in our nano carbon sample in 2017.
  • Test results showed that Carbon occupies 78.91wt%; Nitrogen occupies 3.64wt%. The rest is gas elements, bimetallic elements and metal elements. Among the metal elements, there are 05 diamagnetic metal elements. Especially, Molybdenum helps carbon atom bonding-structure be super hard, even much harder than diamond.


  • From the test results above, our nano carbon sample has 78.91wt% Carbon with diamagnetic property and 3.64wt% Nitrogen with diamagnetic property.Nitrogen in this sample must be trapped inside the sphere (Because Nitrogen is in the gaseous form at -100 degrees Celsius so nitrogen outside of sphere will evaporate and cannot be shown in the test. Hydrogen and Oxygen are in liquid form due to the moisture attached to the outside of the sample material. Sulphur 0.695wt% is diamagnetic).
  • Among the metal elements, there are 05 metals with diamagnetic property.Especially, Molybdenum helps carbon atom bonding-structure be super hard, even much harder than diamond.Based on the molecular structure and the properties of the elements contained in the material, it can be concluded that our nano carbon sample is Endohedral metallofullerenes with the exceptional structure.
  • Physical properties :
    – Spintronics: endohedral metallofullerenes have a novel structure and nitrogen nucleus and diamagnetic metal to create the Giant Magnetoresistance – Spintronics.
    – This effect can be measured at room temperature by using a normal electric meter. Electric resistance of 100 mg is 38.17 MΩ. This physical property appears in endohedral metallofullerenes.
    – Sipintronics : Endo fullerene also has capable of Sipintronics because its molecular nature is a hollow spherical cavity with nitrogen atoms rotating inside the spherical core, creating the effect of the external magnetic field in the opposite direction.
  • Chemical properties:
    – The elements contained in Endohedral metallofullerenes are insoluble in any kind of solvents, including acids, and alkaline, disperse in touen, diclobenzen in 6 months of magnetic stirring, and disperse in metals at a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius loaded up. Thus, it is considered as an inert substance because of being insoluble in any kind of solvents.
  • Multi – size:
    – Endohedral metallofullerenes with diameter allotropes from 50 – 500nm. The metal phase endohedral complexes there are 8 atoms with diamagnetic properties linked to the carbon atoms which have buckminsterfullerene. In physical science, this is the quantum mechanical motion of an atom. The bigger the size is, the higher the electron absorption/transper capacity is, because of wider space, nitrogen atom can move widely.




Endo Fullerene in block material

Endo Fullerene carbon mixture in powder nano size

endo Fullerene sample in 1 gram


endo Fullerene packing in 1kg bag

TRINH NANG endo Fullerene packing in 10 kg. 

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